I'm a muralist!
& an illustrator!
& a surrealist!
& a woodsman!
I paint under the name Son Visual. You could also call me Eddie. Or Sonny D. Or Big Sam. Or Handsome Nicholas, or Andy Appleseed, or Jimmy Buffet 2: Electric Boogaloo. I am kind of going through an identity thing right now.
I'm a Michigan-based muralist & community organizer. My murals can be found frequently around Grand Rapids, as well as throughout Michigan, California, Florida, Colorado, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. The most embarrassing thing I ever did was win ArtPrize.
As much as I love public art, it's a highly seasonal job in my home state of Michigan. Once temperatures hit freezing, I focus more intently on personal, smaller-scale paintings and writings that explore the intersection between ecology and philosophy.
I've also organized a series of Art & Activism events like Pleasant Peninsula, an ongoing city-wide environmental festival, and Forest Fires, a multidisciplinary gallery event about trees, grief, conservation, and rebirth.
In the summers, I'm foraging & hugging trees & shirtless.
In the winters, I'm cruisin' down the Great American Interstate in my darling little van, seeking enlightenment & the sun.
If you wanna work together, or exchange ideas, or hang out, shoot me an email at sonvisualco@gmail.com!
You can check out my resume & CV here!